The Legend, that is Kathryn Whillans is retiring at the end of this year after over 35 years of dedicated service to Glenfield College and Drama education nationally. Former student, Craig Parker, appeared by Skype from Canada to give a moving message to Kathryn at her farewell yesterday. Other long standing members of staff, including Graeme King, Chrissy Jones-Major and Margaret Sullivan also spoke. They enlightened the staff and friends gathered, of Kathryn’s long career in drama and strong pastoral care abilities. Former students also remembered their involvement with the drama department and the effect Kathryn had on their lives. To conclude the speeches, Kathryn spoke of her long career, finding her way into Drama teaching, her training in England and return to NZ, where she took up her position as HOD Drama at Glenfield College. Kathryn mentioned that the weeds in her garden better look out now she will be at home a little more.
Drama Teacher Extraordinaire Kathryn Whillans Retires